There’s something about fog creeping in that screams Halloween. Maybe it’s the visual of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” but as a kid, the holiday wasn’t complete without walking up to that house on the Trick or Treating route. You know the one; with the darkened porch light, cobwebs strewn across the bushes, and an eerie scarecrow or grim reaper seated near the path just inches from the candy dish with the sign inviting you to “Take One.” As you reach for that Fun Size candy bar the figure jolts forward, immediately prompting you to forget about the candy and run.
That house, putting shame to all the others on the block, with fog rolling in inexplicably, completing the chilling tableau. Show them how it’s done this year, and pick up the finishing touch to your haunted house, Halloween party, or front porch scene. Our fog machine will output 10,000 to 20,000 cubic feet per minute and can be operated manually or by remote control. Talk to one of our special event coordinators about how to make your Halloween event spook-tacular!