By this time you will have hammered out the details of what rentals you will need with your coordinator, have a menu planned out (whether you are using a caterer or preparing the food yourself), and have your venue and décor planned.  It’s time to get those evites sent out.  In this day and age getting RSVP’s has become increasingly difficult, if you are having a sit down dinner then you will need to require your guests to RSVP.  On the other hand, an open-house-cocktail-style event allows for more wiggle room.  Determine what you expect of your guests, set a deadline, and be sure to be specific as to who exactly is invited (i.e. plus one, children).  On the deadline date, send texts, emails, or make phone calls stating the urgency of the necessity of their reply.  This will save you headaches later in the game when it comes to purchasing food, or giving your caterer final numbers.

Check back in next week for more tips on how to schedule your timeline to ensure everything goes off without a hitch!